Evaluation of self-deception: Factorial structure, reliability and validity of the SDQ-12 (self-deception questionnaire)
Evaluación del autoengaño: estructura factorial, fiabilidad y validez del SDQ-12 (cuestionario de autoengaño)
Evaluación del autoengaño: estructura factorial, fiabilidad y validez del SDQ-12 (cuestionario de autoengaño)
Depersonalization disorder in former addicts
Changing attitudes toward substance use in adolescents
Addictions and deficits in assertiveness
Psycchopathologie and gender in addictions
Failure, neglect and therapeutic adherence
Differential effects on attitudes to experimentation with alcohol in Spanish adolescents consumers of cannabis and alcohol
Biological treatment of insomnia in substance abuse disorders.
Psychosocial analysis of clinical idependence as double drug dependence and affective relations
Psychotherapy of personality disorders in addicts
Psychiatric treatment of personality disorders in addicts
Acquired sociopathy in drug addiction
Self- deception psychopathology in addicts
Psychopathology associated with cocaine and alcohol consumption
Self-deception and addiction
Prevention and psychosocial intervention on the young psychoactive substances constumption: Comparision of four programs preventive efficacy
Gender differences in addiction and therapeutic implications
Personality, resilience and other psychosocial factors associated with the consumption of psychoactive substances in adolescence: a etiological proposal
Psychoactive substance use, gender and psychosocial identity: analysis of intergeneric differences in youth attitudes toward the use / abuse of alcohol.
Alcohol consumption and other psychoactive substances habits associated with youthful leisure norms
I National symposium on addiction in women
Psychotherapeutic approach to addiction in women
Drug dependence, sociology, evaluation and process