Factores relacionados con las actitudes juveniles hacia el consumo de alcohol y otras sustancias psicoactivas

TITLE: Related factors to youth attitudes towards the consumption of alcohol and other psychoactive substances

AUTOR: María de la Villa Moral Jiménez, Francisco Javier Rodríguez Díaz, Carlos Sirvent Ruiz

FUENTE: Revista Psicología.com; 2011; Vol 15, (2011).PSICOLOGIA. REVISTA INTERNACIONAL ON-LINE – ISSN 1137-8492

PALABRAS CLAVE: Joven, Alcohol, Drogas, Consumo, Actitud, Estudio, Riesgo, Ambiente, Influencia

KEYWORDS: Young, Alcohol, Drugs, Consumer Attitude Study, Risk, Environment, Influence


En este estudio se analizaron las variables relacionadas con el consumo juvenil de alcohol y otras sustanciaspsicoactivas, y con las actitudes hacia la experimentacion. La muestra estuvo compuesta por755 estudiantes de entre doce y dieciseis anos, pertenecientes a cuatro centros de Secundaria del Principadode Asturias. Los resultados obtenidos confirman la multideterminacion de este fenomeno. Se comprueba que la actitud juvenil hacia el consumo de sustancias es mas favorable cuanto menor sea la
percepcion de riesgo, mayores las creencias distorsionadas y mas permisiva sea la disposicion para elconsumo de alcohol y otras drogas ilegales. Otros factores determinantes son la relacion con el grupode iguales consumidores de drogas, las conductas antisociales e indicios de busqueda de atencion.


Factors related to young people’s attitudes to the consumption of alcohol and other psychoactive substances. In this study we analyzed variables related to the consumption of alcohol and other psychoactive substances among young people, and to their attitudes towards experimentation. The sample was made up of 775 pupils aged 12 to 16 from four secondary schools in the Principality of Asturias (northern Spain). The results obtained confirm the multi-causal nature of these phenomena. The attitudes of young people towards substance use was found to be more favourable the lower the perception of risk, the more mistaken their beliefs and the more permissive their disposition to the use of alcohol and other illegal drug. Other determining factors are their relationship with peer groups that use drugs, antisocial behaviours and attention-seeking indications.