TITLE: Psycchopathologie and gender in addictions
AUTOR: Pilar Blanco, Carlos Sirvent, Mª Villa Moral, Mª del Pilar Linares, Cruz Rivas,
FUENTE: Artículo 11º Congreso Virtual de Psiquiatría. Interpsiquis 2010 www.interpsiquis.com – Febrero-Marzo 2010
PALABRAS CLAVE: Psicopatología, Adicción, Comorbilidad psiquiátrica, Patología dual, Género, Mujer
KEYWORDS: Psychopathology, Addiction, Psychiatric comorbidity, Dual diagnosis, Gender,Women
ABSTRACT: This article will show updated data from three sources: 1. Clinical 2. Bibliographic compilation 3. Psychometrics Unit of which is an extract with the following selected tests: Beck Depression Inventory, State Anxiety Inventory STAI trait. Inventory of Eating Disorders EDI. Rathus assertiveness inventory. Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale. Barratt impulsivity scale (BIS-11). The Interpersonal Relations and Dependencies Sentimental Inventory IRIDS-100. Inventory of Selfdeception and mystification IAM -50. The result of clinical observation and data collection have finds bibliographic (which will be discussed extensively at the conference) in the following areas: – Constellation affective-emotional, included dysphoria, vitality, reason-Ergic alterations and depressive disorders. – Self-concept resulting in a chronic shortage of self-esteem with subsequent self-perception undervalued. – Capacity of autonomy and independence of mind – intercurrent emotional dependency, codependency and bidependencia – Aftermath of abuse and sexual abuse. – Impulsivity and / or deficient impulse control – Differential Personality disorders (group B in males, group C in women) – Disorders of thought content: nature paranoid schizophrenia and other psychoses – Anxiety and its subtypes: social phobia , t. panic, t. Generalized Anxiety (GAD) and t. Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD). – In recent years there has been a growing interest in psychiatric disorders related to body image and in particular those associated with eating disorders, especially in women.