Emergencias dentro del tratamiento: síntomas críticos
Emergencies and crises in treatment: key symptoms
Emergencies and crises in treatment: key symptoms
Key symptoms in biological addiction treatment
Drug dependence and eating disorder
Clinic of addicted women
Evaluación del autoengaño: Validación del inventario IAM-40
The crisis. My crisis.
Living on deception
Psycchopathologie and gender in addictions
Operation of a Department of Clinical Investigation (Psychometry Department)
Symptoms and treatments global registration system (REI database)
Bidependence like coaddiction
Self deception and addiction. Clinical and psychotherapy
Characterosis in codependents in comparision with control familiar
Self- deception psychopathology in addicts
Psychopathology associated with cocaine and alcohol consumption
Self-deception and addiction
Bidependence, a clinical study
Gender differences in addiction and therapeutic implications
Codependency: conceptual delimitation and analysis of gender differences in co-dependents and general population