Evaluación del autoengaño: estructura factorial, fiabilidad y validez del SDQ-12 (cuestionario de autoengaño)
Evaluation of self-deception: Factorial structure, reliability and validity of the SDQ-12 (self-deception questionnaire)
Evaluation of self-deception: Factorial structure, reliability and validity of the SDQ-12 (self-deception questionnaire)
Evaluación del autoengaño: estructura factorial, fiabilidad y validez del SDQ-12 (cuestionario de autoengaño)
Self-deception and impression management in Colombian prisoners and students
Autodeception and distortions of the conscience of the problem in affective dependents
Self deception and addiction. Clinical and psychotherapy
Self- deception Psychotherapy
Self- deception psychopathology in addicts
The transformed lie
Self-deception and addiction